You are looking for an opportunity to acquire financial knowledge quickly for a special key person in the organization.
A coach who can bring an executive to an excellent level of financial knowledge in a short period of time.
Susan Marcussen has transferred financial knowledge to many new CIOs, CEOs, COOs… in an efficient and fun way.
Susan is to-the-point, straightforward, funny, skilled, and uses a simple structure. A few conversations with her and a some e-learning modules will bring your CO to a perfect financial level.
We discuss the goals and the timeline with the L&D manager. In a few sessions that are precisely customized for the professional, the financial concepts are set out.
F4NF B.V. is a specialized training organization that teaches professionals how to apply financial knowledge in an accessible way through customized programs.
Susan Marcussen clarifies financial theories through a unique methodology that is characterized by visual overviews, anecdotes, and practical applicability.
Photography: Z’ien Fotografie | Online marketing: Colette Elting | Website: M.I. Vormgeving
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